Welcome to 2025 to all our Pilots and Friends!
We are excited to get started on what will be another incredible year, and with so much to look forward to.
Firstly we would like to thank all of our Students, local pilots and visitors from around the world for contributing to our already amazing community, and for making 2024 our best year yet at Paraglide Canada.
Pilots from near and far had some amazing flights locally at our Kind Eddy flying site, plus some incredible XC days, with many new pilots notching up their best ever flights! We are grateful for your ongoing support of our site and local business, as it is this support which is at the core of our maintaining our tenure at King Eddy and the Coldstream Ranch.
Japan Trip
This February , we will host our 7th Annual trip to Japan, to take you on the most incredible cultural and paragliding experience like no other!
With our long standing bonds with our Japanese Colleagues and friends - we provide a unique focus on Japanese culture, along with paragliding every flyable day, in addition to sharing in the most incredible and affordable Japanese cuisine!
Our Paraglide Canada Japan tour provides an experience that no other School is able to provide - due exclusively to the longstanding relationships we have fostered over many years with our partners.
Our tour includes the fees for local guides, accommodations, flying dues, plus travel to the numerous sites.
Check our link for more information. https://www.paraglidecanada.com/collections/courses/products/japan-tour-2025
Upon returning from Japan in mid March we will be excited to see how our new Season develops when we can officially open for Spring. Training classes are expected to start in late March early April, and we look forward to meeting our new students as well as those continuing to develop skills and progress through their goals and current rating. We will start the season with Instructor and Tandem training and expect to offer our P2 courses early April. Please continue to check our website for course dates.
Jonathan Klimow Bursary
We are honoured that in 2025 we will be presenting the first Jonathan Klimow Bursary Award. This will be awarded on Mar 30, 2025 and carries a $1000 value. The Bursary fund consists of a $500 component to be given towards Competition Fees, in addition to a $500 credit towards gear purchases. Nominations will be accepted until March 15th at 10pm and then tallied to achieve the winner. Please send an email to bursary@paraglidecanada.com for more information and to send in your nominations for contending Pilots.
Bursary rules: Must be a Canadian HPAC registered pilot, must be signed up and provide a receipt for 2025 season competition fee, $500 Gear provided from Paraglide Canada. Votes will be tallied by Paraglide Canada Staff and announced March 30th. This award will be an annual grant so if you would like to contribute to the bursary, donations can be made to bursary@paraglidecanda.com.
X-Alps 2025
We are back at the Xalps in June this year supporting our man @JamesElliot. After an amazing race in 2023, we are back to take on the challenge a second time. Dan Valliers, Benoit Poirier and Norm Krcmar will be supporting him for this year’s event. More info here. https://www.redbullxalps.com/int-en/athlete/james-elliott
We will be hosting a fundraising bbq in the spring and hope you will be able to attend so keep a look out for the event when it is announced.
July Hike and Fly
This July, Paraglide Canada would like to host its first ever Hike and Fly competition. Open to all HPAC members or visiting pilots. We are looking for a few volunteers to map out routes and to help with other tasks to make this a reality. If you can help, please send Email to info@paraglidecanada.com for more information (note: we don’t have a date set or all the details, just something to look forward to this July, fingers crossed no fires)
And of course, there will be much more to add so you can look forward to updates as they progress. If you would like to be on our Emailing list, please click link at the bottom page to add your name.
Thank you
Norm Krcmar
Paraglide Canada